Wednesday, June 15, 2011









1.1    PURPOSE    3

1.2    SCOPE    3

1.3    CODES & STANDARDS    3

1.4    EQUIPMENT    4


1.6    DEFINITIONS    5















2.8    INSULATION    12



3.1    STANDARDS    14


3.3    MINIMUM WIDTH    14


3.5    EXIT MARKING    14



4.1    PRIVATE SYSTEMS    17




4.5    HYDRANTS    17


5.1    GENERAL    20






5.7    FIRE PUMPS    22


6.1    PURPOSE    24



6.4    PUBLIC ADDRESS    24





7.4    TRASH DUMPSTERS    29


7.6    LABORATORIES    30






8.1    BACKGROUND    33

8.2    PURPOSE    33

8.3    POLICY    33














The unique nature and significance of the Smithsonian Institution's buildings, collections and operations mandate a higher level of fire protection and life safety than the minimum standards established by the building and fire codes. This Design Manual builds upon current codes, utilizing the latest recommended industry practices and specialized fire protection engineering experience to establish an appropriate level of fire protection and life safety for all Smithsonian facilities and the collections, occupants and operations within. This Design Manual provides for the life safety of Smithsonian staff and visitors through measures which control fire growth and ensure adequate means for egress are available for safe evacuation. This Design Manual also strives to achieve a level of protection from fire and products of combustion that is commensurate with the value of the property and operations being safeguarded. Special attention is given to the protection of collections against fire, smoke, gas, as well as the potential deleterious effects of fire protection systems.

The fire safety solutions outlined in this Design Manual provide a balanced approach to achieving the stated goals. That is, they rely on a number of fire safety systems to achieve a total prevention and protection scheme, while taking into account the need for building functionality and design flexibility. Particular emphasis is on fire safety systems that are simple, reliable, long-lasting, maintenance-friendly, and cost-effective. While active fire systems are key to the success of the overall protection scheme, passive measures also play a significant role by minimizing the impact of a potential fire on occupants, collections, and facility operations.

This manual is divided into 8 chapters. The first six chapters describe common fire protection and life safety requirements to be applied to all projects. Chapter 7 describes requirements associated with special occupancies, such as collection storage, laboratories and animal housing facilities. The final chapter and Appendix A describe exhibit fabrication requirements. This manual established and mandates the use of SI standard fire protection specifications, which are listed in Appendix C.





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    1. This Fire Protection Design Manual (Manual) identifies the fire protection and life safety design criteria for new facility designs, upgrades, and modifications to existing facilities and spaces.
    2. This Design Manual provides requirements for protecting all SI occupants and for limiting SI property loss from fire.
  3. SCOPE
    1. This Design Manual applies to all designs, upgrades, and modifications to SI-owned, occupied, leased, or operated facilities.
    2. These requirements apply to all SI-managed facilities, operations, programs, and activities.
    3. The Director, OSHEM, is the "Authority Having Jurisdiction" for the Smithsonian, as defined and used in the National Fire Codes, and is the designated fire code official (also referred to as the "Fire Marshal") as defined and used in the International Fire Code.
    1. Minimum Standard: It is SI OSHEM's position that building and fire codes establish the minimum standard of performance for Smithsonian Institution buildings and facilities. The codes address issues of life safety and property protection; however, they do not adequately address continuity of operations in the form of protection for the collections.
    2. This Design Manual establishes the minimum requirements for SI design projects. The SI Design Manager shall confer with the OSHEM Fire Protection Engineer on the applicable codes and standards and additional requirements.
    3. The most restrictive requirement in this Design Manual and applicable codes and standards shall be followed.
    4. Original Design Codes: The fire protection related codes and standards in effect when facility design commences (code of record) remain in effect for the life of the facility unless a significant hazard that endangers the building occupants or the public is identified or unless the building is modified. In these cases, the facility is upgraded to the current requirements of the applicable code or standard. Note: If the code of record cannot readily be determined, OSHEM shall stipulate the code to be utilized.
    5. Current Codes: When upgrades or modifications are made, the current edition of the code applies to the upgrade or modification. When substantial upgrades or modifications are made on fire protection systems, the entire system is upgraded to the current code or standard.
    6. SI standard Fire Protection Specifications included in Appendix C are to be used in new projects.
    7. References:
      1. Smithsonian Institution Directive (SD) 419 and SI Safety Manual.
      2. International Code Council (ICC) Codes, latest edition:
        1. International Building Code (IBC)
        2. International Fire Code (IFC)
        3. International Mechanical Code (IMC)
        4. International Plumbing Code (IPC)
      3. National Fire Codes, National Fire Protection Association, Latest Version, and their appendices.
      4. FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets
    1. All fire protection designs shall use equipment that has been tested and listed or approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory (e.g., UL) for its intended use.
    2. OSHEM may issue written approval for substitute, equivalent items if no listed or approved item can be procured because the equipment has never been tested for fire protection use.
    3. All equipment components specified in designs shall be compatible with existing equipment and installed as required by the applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards and manufacturer's recommendations.
    4. System reliability, longevity, and serviceability shall be included as criteria in specifying fire protection and life safety system components and in design decisions.
    5. Written acceptance tests and/or operating procedures shall be prepared and executed for all new system installations and/or modifications to verify that the systems perform as required. Acceptance test procedures shall be required as a separate submittal from the contractor based on the specified system performance and the specific equipment installed. Any deficiencies noted during the tests shall be documented and tracked until resolved or corrected. Operating procedures shall be required as part of the As-Built documentation submittals.
    6. When site-specific guides or design specifications exist, they shall be included in all fire protection design packages as applicable.
    1. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
    2. FM: FM Global (formerly Factory Mutual)
    3. ICC: International Code Council (Refer to 1.3 G for additional abbreviations)
    4. LSC: Life Safety Code, NFPA 101
    5. MCFL: Maximum Credible Fire Loss
    6. MPFL: Maximum Possible Fire Loss
    7. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
    8. NRTL: Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
    9. OSHEM: Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management
    10. SI: Smithsonian Institution
    11. UL: Underwriters Laboratories
    1. Fire Protection - A broad term that encompasses all aspects of fire and life safety, including building construction and fixed building fire protection features, fire suppression and detection systems, fire water systems, emergency process safety controls, emergency fire fighting operations (fire department), Fire Protection Engineering (FPE), and fire prevention. Fire protection is concerned with preventing or minimizing the direct and indirect consequences of fire on people, property, and programs. By extension, fire protection also includes aspects of the following perils as they relate to Fire Protection: explosion, natural phenomenon, and smoke and water damage from fire.
    2. Fire Protection Systems - Any system designed and installed to detect, control, or extinguish a fire; to limit fire damage; to alert occupants and/or the fire department that a fire has occurred; or to otherwise enhance life safety or property protection.
    3. Life Safety Systems: Any system designed and installed to alert occupants to a fire condition, provide sufficient capacity and a protected path for egress, provide structural stability, and provide passive defense against the spread of fire and its products. These include, but are not limited to, means of egress components, emergency lighting, exit signage, fire barriers, and structural fire protection.
    4. Maximum credible fire loss (MCFL): The damage to property and/or disruption to operations that would be expected from a fire, assuming that (1) all installed fire protection systems function as designed; and (2) the effect of emergency response is omitted except for post-fire actions such as salvage work, shutting down water systems, and restoring operations.
    5. Maximum possible fire loss (MPFL): The value of property (excluding land) and cost of operations disruption within a fire area, unless a fire hazards analysis demonstrates a lesser (or greater) loss potential. This assumes the failure of both automatic fire suppression systems and manual fire fighting efforts.
    6. Redundant fire protection: Fire protection measures implemented to mitigate the effects of fires or related perils in the event of a partial or total failure of the primary fire protection measures (e.g., two independent fire suppression systems to protect a high risk facility).
    7. Performance-Based Design: An engineering approach to design elements of a building based on agreed-upon performance goals and objectives, engineering analysis and quantitative assessment of alternatives against the design goals and objectives using accepted engineering tools, methodologies and performance criteria.
    1. A fire protection design analysis is required for all designs and must address the fire protection requirements of the project as required by this Design Manual. Summarize the fire protection design analysis and submit it with the Concept submission. The fire protection design analysis shall be separate from other disciplines. Where applicable, discuss the following minimum fire protection provisions (include required vs. provided):
      1. Building code analysis (i.e., type of construction, height and area limitations, and building separation or exposure protection)
      2. Classification of occupancy,
      3. Requirements for fire-rated walls, fire-rated doors, fire dampers with their fire-resistive ratings, smoke compartmentation, smoke barriers
      4. Means of egress in accordance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code (occupant loads, exit capacities, etc.)
      5. Analysis of automatic sprinkler systems and other suppression systems and protected areas, including hydraulic analysis of required water demand,
      6. Water supplies, water distribution, location of fire hydrants,
      7. Smoke control methods and smoke control systems,
      8. Fire alarm system (the type of alarm system and location of the fire alarm equipment),
      9. Fire detection system (the type of detection system and location of detectors),
      10. Standpipe systems and fire extinguishers,
      11. Interior finish ratings,
      12. Connection to and description of fire alarm supervising system.
      13. Identify the various occupancies and hazardous areas associated with the facility,
      14. Coordination with security and antiterrorism requirements,
      15. Fire Department access.
    1. All new projects, renovations, modifications, including associated scopes of work, shall be submitted to OSHEM for review and approval.
    1. Seismic design for buildings and systems shall be in accordance with the IBC.
    2. Fire protection systems shall be designed and installed to withstand seismic events in accordance with the applicable NFPA standards, except as required by other criteria for safety class equipment.
    1. All SI buildings and facilities shall comply with the requirements in SD 215, Accessibility For People With Disabilities, established by the SI Accessibility Office.
    1. Coordinate with the facility prior to and concurrent with design.
    2. Separate all occupied areas from demolition, renovation, or construction activities by temporary smoke-tight construction partitions of gypsum board or other approved non-combustible or limited-combustible material in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 241. Barrier design shall be detailed in project documents.
    3. Partitions shall be full height, extending through suspended ceilings to the floor slab or roof deck above and shall be one-hour fire rated, unless sprinklers are installed and are operational on both sides of the temporary partition whereupon the partition may be permitted to terminate at the ceiling in accordance with NFPA 241.

      Note: This requirement is due to the inherently greater potential for fire or hazardous materials incidents associated with the combustibles and operations of demolition/ construction. This risk is made worse by the likelihood of compromised fire protection systems and fire/smoke resistant construction. This does not obviate the need to provide other protective measures to contain dust and debris as specified under other SI requirements.

    4. Sprinklers are considered to be operational when they are installed in accordance with NFPA 13 (spacing, protection, distance from the ceiling, etc.) and there is a sufficient automatic water supply.
    5. Phase construction as necessary to ensure that exits are not obstructed or reduced in width. If exits must be obstructed during construction, provide alternate exit routes during each phase of construction and identify the alternate routes on the construction drawings.
    6. Minimize or avoid disruptions to fire alarm and sprinkler systems. Delineate phasing of construction to ensure that installations of new systems are expedited, and where possible, maintain existing systems in service until the replacement system is operational. If fire protection systems are to be disrupted, follow the SI fire system impairment procedures to ensure procedures are incorporated to maintain equivalent levels of fire protection and provide formal notification to the facility while systems are down via the fire protection system impairment process (See SI Safety Manual, Chapter 36).
    7. Contractors shall furnish their own fire extinguishers when an area is vacated for renovations. SI-owned fire extinguishers shall be removed from the vacated area and returned (or replaced with new) prior to re-occupation by SI
    8. Hot work operations involving open flames or smoke producing processes shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 14, "Hotwork Management and Permit System", of the SI Safety Manual.
    1. It is permissible and usually necessary/desirable that performance-based fire safety design methods be applied to the renovation, restoration, remodeling or modernization of existing facilities to address the evaluation of a subsystem, system, or complete building when it is not possible to meet the provided prescriptive requirements for new construction.
    2. Performance-based fire safety design methods must not be used to eliminate the retained prescriptive requirements as described in the Performance-Based chapter of NFPA 101.
    3. Performance-based approaches to meeting the goals and objectives outlined in NFPA 909, Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties – Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship shall be permitted subject to the approval of OSHEM.
    4. Performance-based approaches to meeting the goals and objectives outlined in NFPA 150, Standard for Fire Protection and Life Safety for Animal Housing Facilities shall be permitted subject to the approval of OSHEM.
    5. All performance-based design approaches shall be in accordance with the guidelines delineated in NFPA 909 or NFPA 150, as applicable, and shall follow the Society of Fire Protection Engineers Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection.
    6. Required design fire scenarios, performance criteria for acceptance, and input parameters for fire models used in the performance-based analysis shall be approved in advance by OSHEM, SI curatorial staff, and other stakeholders.





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    1. New structures shall be constructed from noncombustible or fire resistive construction, Type I or II as defined in the IBC, unless otherwise approved by OSHEM.
    2. For non-separated mixed-use buildings the construction type shall be the most restrictive type based on the use groups and building height and area in accordance with the IBC.
    3. Alterations, renovations, and additions to existing buildings shall match the existing building construction type, unless the height and area limitations of the IBC would be exceeded. In such case, the building separation requirements of the IBC shall be followed.
    4. Wood used for walls, platforms, blocking, furring, and similar applications shall be fire retardant, pressure impregnated. Fire retardant coatings of intumescent paint or other fire retardant chemicals are not acceptable in lieu of fire retardant treatment.
    1. Use groups and occupancies shall be in accordance with the IBC.
    2. The Life Safety Code chapters that correspond to the IBC use group shall be used to determine means of egress requirements and other special occupancy requirements.
    1. Height and area limitations of new buildings shall be in accordance with the IBC.
    2. Where existing buildings undergo additions, the combined area of the existing building and the new addition shall comply with the limits established in the IBC. Where the area of the addition would cause the building to exceed the height and/or area limits of the IBC, fire walls and/or fire barriers are required, as determined by the IBC.
    1. Provide access for emergency vehicles to SI buildings and additions in accordance with NFPA 1.
    2. Design roads, fire lanes, and turn-arounds for the weight and turning radius of fire apparatus. Consult local fire department for fire apparatus requirements. At minimum, one of the long sides of every building shall be accessible to fire department equipment.
    3. Building separation and requirements for rated exterior walls and openings for protection from exposure by adjacent buildings or hazards shall comply with the IBC.
    4. Urban Wildland Interface. Clearances from combustible brush, trees, and other vegetation shall be maintained per the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC).
    1. Fire and smoke barriers shall comply with the requirements of the IBC, the National Fire Codes, and this Design Manual.
    2. Fire barriers for incidental use areas shall be as required by applicable codes and standards. In each case the most restrictive requirement among the IBC, National Fire Codes, and this Design Manual shall be followed. Refer to Appendix B of this Design Manual for a summary of requirements for some of the more common spaces.
    3. Comply with the requirements of NFPA 90A for treatment of HVAC duct penetrations, locations of smoke dampers, and smoke detector requirements.
    4. HVAC ducts that penetrate smoke barriers provided to isolate collections storage rooms shall be equipped with listed combination fire/smoke dampers.
    5. Subject to the approval of OSHEM, smoke dampers may be omitted in HVAC ducts that penetrate smoke barriers where the system is designed to perform any of the following functions:
      1. Function as an engineered smoke-control system, including the provision of continuous air movement with the air-handling system
      2.     Provide air to other areas of the building during a fire emergency
      3. Provide pressure differentials during a fire emergency
    1. Interior finish, insulation, and decorative materials shall comply with this Design Manual, Chapter 36, "Fire Protection", of the SI Safety Manual, Exhibit Construction Guidelines in Appendix A of this Design Manual, and applicable NFPA code requirements.
    2. Wall and ceiling materials, paneling, and acoustical tile shall be Class A or B, unless otherwise noted, with a maximum flame spread rating of 75 or less, and maximum smoke developed of 450 as tested in accordance with ASTM E-84. This test must have been performed by a testing laboratory and certification of the test approved by OSHEM.
    3. Wood used for platforms, enclosures, cases over 100 cubic feet (or with heat producing equipment) or for other purposes shall be fire retardant pressure impregnated lumber and markings clearly visible attesting to its fire retardant characteristics.
    4. Fire retardant coatings of intumescent paint or other fire retardant chemicals shall not be used in lieu of fire retardant pressure impregnated treatment unless approved by OSHEM.
    5. No more than 6 inches of floor carpet shall be installed so as to run up the wall unless approved by OSHEM.
    6. All fabrics or other materials used in curtains, draperies, or other window treatments must be certified as flame resistant in accordance with the criteria contained in NFPA 701 – Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films and Films.
    7. Decorative materials including: banners, bunting, streamers, fabric, paper, cotton batting, artificial and real vegetation; as well as wall, ceiling, and floor cover for acoustical or other effects shall meet the requirements of NFPA 101.
    8. Textiles or other materials treated with a fire retardant shall be re-treated as per the recommended frequency by the treatment manufacturer. The building manager shall maintain a record of the date and type of treatment for as long as the material is in use.
    9. Artificial rocks, faux environments, and similar construction shall be fabricated of noncombustible materials to the greatest extent possible. Gypsum, glass fiber, metal lath and other noncombustible materials shall be used in lieu of foamed plastics and other combustibles.
    10. Cellular or foamed plastics, expanded plastics, etc. shall not be used in SI facilities unless they comply with the fire test criteria and limits on quantities in the IBC and in NFPA 101. Data on all such materials shall be submitted to OSHEM for review and approval.
    11. Theater and bench seating materials shall comply with California Test CA-33.
    1. Use roof coverings approved and listed by a NRTL. The UL Roofing Materials and Systems Directory lists three Classes (A, B, and C) of acceptable roof coverings based on compliance with UL 790, Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Materials and NFPA 256, Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.
    2. Roof deck assemblies must be FM Class I approved, or UL listed as Fire Classified or equal listing or classification by an NRTL.
      1. Exception 1: Fully sprinklered buildings.
      2. Exception 2: Buildings less than
        8,000 ft2 (744 m2 ).
    1. Use thermal and acoustical insulation with a flame spread (FS) rating not higher than 75, and a smoke developed (SD) rating not higher than 150 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84 (NFPA 255), Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
    2. Application of cellular plastic insulation to building exteriors shall be in accordance with the requirements of the current Canadian Building Code. Cellular plastics shall not be used for interior insulation.
    1. Smoke control systems shall be installed where required by applicable NFPA Codes and Standards.
    2. All smoke control systems shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 92A or NFPA 92B, as applicable.






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    1. Means of egress design shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 101.
    1. Unobstructed and adequately marked means of egress shall be provided to ensure safe emergency evacuation.
    2. Security measures or incidental building activities shall not impede exit doors, passageways, or any other part of a means of egress.
    3. Delayed egress doors may be used subject to OSHEM approval.
    4. Utilities such as, but not limited to, wiring, computer (IT) cables, piping, ducts and other systems shall not penetrate through exit enclosures (stairwells and horizontal exits), unless serving only the exit enclosure.
    5. Exit doors shall be arranged so they can be readily opened from the egress side whenever the building is occupied. Locks, if provided, shall not require the use of a key, tool, or special knowledge or effort for operation from the inside of the building, unless permitted by NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code.
    1. The minimum unobstructed exit access width for aisles or corridors serving as the primary exit shall not be less than 44 inches (1118 mm), and, where deemed necessary by OSHEM, not less than 60 inches (1524 mm) in galleries.
    2. Where special occupancies warrant a larger means of egress width, those requirements shall be followed.
    1. Emergency lighting illumination levels shall meet the requirements of the Life Safety Code. Locations requiring emergency lighting include the following:
      1. All galleries.
      2. All means of egress.
      3. Switchgear, mechanical equipment, emergency equipment and transformer rooms.
      4. Security control rooms.
      5. Emergency command centers.
      6. Exit discharge at least 10 feet away from the building.
    1. Mark means of egress in accordance with NFPA 101. Internally illuminated signs must be light emitting diode (LED) type, electroluminescence (LEC), or cold cathode type. Incandescent fixtures are not permitted except existing fixtures, which may remain in use.
    2. Where deemed necessary by OSHEM, approved floor proximity exit signs and egress path marking shall be provided.
    3. Radioluminous exit signs shall not be used without prior approval by OSHEM.
    4. Photoluminescent exit signs and egress path marking is permitted only where provided with a reliable external illumination (charging) source providing a minimum illumination of 54 lux (5 foot-candles) of unfiltered fluorescent light.
    1. All accessible means of egress shall comply with the IBC and Life Safety Code.





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    1. Private water distribution systems and water supplies such as found at Fred L. Whipple Observatory, STRI, Silver Hill Facilities, and SERC shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 20 – Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, NFPA 22 – Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection, and NFPA 24 – Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances.
    1. The water supply for fire protection shall have a minimum supply duration of 2-hours. New primary distribution mains shall in no case be smaller than 12 inches (300 mm), building/facility loops shall be 8 inches (200 mm) or larger, and fixed suppression feeds shall, in no case, be smaller than 6 inches (150 mm).
    1. Fire protection water supply distribution systems for all new installations shall be looped to provide two-way flow, with sectional valves arranged to provide alternate water flow paths to any point in the system.
    2. A single feed is allowed, provided the system is reviewed and approved by OSHEM.
    1. Facilities having an MPFL in excess of $50 million shall have two independent sources of fire protection water.
    1. Fire hydrants shall be UL listed, FM approved, or listed or classified by an NRTL and must have two 2-1/2-inch (65 mm) hose outlets and one 4-1/2-inch (115 mm) suction connection with national standard fire hose threads in accordance with NFPA 24 and NFPA 1963, Fire Hose Connections. Hydrant connections shall meet the standards of the local municipal water authority/fire department.
    2. Wet-barrel or California-type hydrants are preferable in areas where there is no danger of freezing. Dry barrel or traffic-type hydrants must be used in areas where there is a danger of freezing. Hydrants must be aboveground type.
    3. Hydrants must be installed adjacent to paved areas, accessible to fire department apparatus. Hydrants must not be closer than 3 feet (1 m) nor farther than 7 ft (2.1 m) from the roadway shoulder or curb line. Hydrants must be installed with not less than 6-inch (65 mm) connection to the supply main, and valved at the connection. Barrels must be long enough to permit at least 18-inch (450 mm) clearance between the center of the 4-1/2-inch (115 mm) suction connection and grade. The ground must be graded so that any surface drainage is away from the hydrant.
    4. Installation must be in accordance with NFPA 24. Suction connection should be perpendicular to the street to allow straight lined connection to the pumper.
    5. A sufficient number of hydrants must be provided so that hose stream demand can be met without taking more than 1,250 gpm (4,740 L/min ) from any single hydrant. Hydrants must also be spaced in accordance with the following requirements:
      1. All parts of the building exterior must be within 350 ft (106 m) of a hydrant with consideration given to accessibility and obstructions. Hydrants must be located with consideration given to emergency vehicle access.
      2. At least one hydrant must be located within 150 ft (45 m) of the fire department connection.
      3. Hydrants protecting storage facilities are to be spaced a maximum of 300 ft (91 m) apart.
      4. Hydrants located adjacent to parking areas or other vehicle traffic areas, must be protected by bollards. The bollards must be located so they are not directly in front of an outlet.





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    1. Design of new, and modifications to existing building, exhibits, and facilities shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Design Manual and the master specification Appendixes to this Design Manual, which describe specific fire protection design criteria. Design is to incorporate redundant fire protection concepts, employing active fire protection through automatic fire suppression and detection systems, passive fire barrier features, and limiting combustible fuel load within the SI buildings in order to control and minimize potential injury to SI staff and losses to collections, mission, and infrastructure.
    2. Complete automatic fire suppression systems are to be provided and installed in accordance with the applicable International Building Code (IBC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for all
      projects (regardless of funding sources) where the maximum credible fire loss (MCFL) without automatic fire suppression would result in the loss of use of a vital structure or equipment for a period longer than that considered as acceptable by the program director.
    3. In addition to the above requirement, fire extinguishing systems shall be provided where required by the IBC and/or applicable NFPA standards.
    4. When the criteria above does not apply, automatic fire suppression and/or detection may still be warranted based on any of the following factors:
      1. Programmatic importance
      2. Effects on operations
      3. Cost vs. benefit
      4. Exposure
      5. Future conditions
    1. Fire Sprinkler System design criteria for SI facilities shall comply with NFPA 13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, but shall be designed for no less than Ordinary Hazard Group 2 criteria (0.30 gpm/sf over 1500 sq ft (8.1 mm/min over 139 m² )).
    2. The following minimum design criteria shall be met:
      1. Hydraulic calculations must be used for design. Pipe schedule design will not be accepted.
      2. Reductions in the hydraulically most remote area allowed in NFPA 13 with the use of quick response sprinklers are not permitted.
      3. Variation in discharge from individual sprinkler heads in the hydraulically most remote area shall be between 100 and 120 percent of the specified density.
      4. The calculated pipe velocity shall not exceed 20 ft/sec (6.1 m/sec).
      5. Safety margin: The total demand water flow and pressure must be at least 10% less than the available water flow and pressure.
      6. Pipe schedule: Schedule 40 or greater must be used for all sprinkler piping less than 4 inches (100 mm). Schedule 10, 40, or greater must be used for sprinkler piping 4 inches (100 mm) and larger.
      7. Dry and preaction sprinkler systems must use galvanized piping and fittings.
      8. Butterfly valves may be used only on piping 4 inches (100 mm) and less.
      9. Gate valves must be OS&Y style.
      10. Use of restrictive orifices, reducing flanges, unions, and plain-end fittings will not be permitted.
      11. Branch outlet mechanical fittings and clamp-type fittings will not be permitted.
    3. Compact (mobile) shelving shall be protected with automatic sprinkler systems meeting the requirements of NFPA 909.
    4. See Automatic Sprinkler Systems, Section 211313 for complete sprinkler specification criteria.
    1. When required, standpipe systems must be installed in accordance with NFPA 14, Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems.
    2. Residual pressure requirements may be omitted for buildings under 150 ft (45 m) in height where fire department apparatus are expected to boost pressure in standpipe systems. Piping for standpipe systems must be designed by hydraulic calculation to show that the fire department pumper, connected to a fire department connection, can deliver the needed flow and pressure at the topmost hose connections.
    3. Class I standpipe systems must be provided in exit stairways of buildings four stories or more in height. These systems must not include hose. 2-1/2" by 1-1/2" (63.5 by 38mm) reducers, with caps, shall be provided at all fire department valves.
    4. Class I standpipe systems must also be provided in non-sprinklered facilities where all portions of the building cannot be reached with 200 feet of fire fighting hose lines extended from the exterior of the building, regardless of building height. Locate FD hose connections such that all portions of the building can be reached with 100 ft. (30.5m) of hose plus 30 ft. (9.14m) of hose stream.
    5. Class II and Class III standpipes are not permitted.
    1. Application
      1. Clean agent fire extinguishing systems are suitable for protection of certain types of special occupancies, hazards, and facilities. Clean agent fire extinguishing systems are not a substitute for required automatic sprinkler systems.
    2. Design Requirements
      1. Clean agent fire extinguishing systems must conform to NFPA 2001, Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems.
      2. Provide stand-alone (not dependent upon the building fire alarm system for operation) control panels that are listed for releasing device service and monitored by the building fire alarm system.
      3. Careful consideration must be given to compartment under/over-pressurization during the discharge of total flooding clean agent systems. Pressure relieving vents, located near the finished ceiling, may be necessary to regulate rapid pressure changes during discharge. Comply with the manufacturer's recommended procedures relative to enclosure venting.
      4. Provide a manually activated exhaust system to facilitate the extraction of any remaining clean agent after the required hold time of the total flooding clean agent system. The exhaust system can be integrated into the HVAC system for the enclosure.
    1. All commercial grease hood and ducts shall meet the requirements of NFPA 96 – Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, and NFPA 17A – Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems (as appropriate).
    2. Grease ducts shall be protected by approved products, designed with clearance reduction methods and installed as fire rated enclosures.
    1. Portable fire extinguishers are to be provided in SI facilities based on occupancy, length of travel between extinguishers, and hazard as required per NFPA 10 – Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, and this attachment.
    2. OSHEM shall be consulted as to the appropriate type of extinguishers for the occupancy.
    3. Clean gas or water-mist extinguishers rated for Class A:C fires are to be purchased and placed in any area with collections (i.e. all exhibit areas, collection storages rooms, conservations labs, etc.) unless waived by OSHEM. Areas with wet collections shall be provided with fire extinguishers appropriate for alcohol-based flammable liquid fires.
    4. Kitchens using deep fat fryers or other appliances utilizing combustible liquids shall have the appropriate size class K fire extinguishers located within 30 ft of such appliances.
    5. Additional requirements on the type and sizes of fire extinguisher for special areas are listed in Chapter 7, Special Occupancy Requirements.
    1. Rooms containing fire pumps in non-high-rise buildings shall be 2-hour rated or 1-hour rated in a fully-sprinklered building, per IBC Table 508.2.5.
    2. Rooms containing fire pumps in high-rise buildings shall be 2-hour rated per IBC Table 508.2.5.





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    1. Complete smoke detection coverage shall be provided throughout SI facilities where early detection of fire can improve life safety or limit damage to collections and property (leased or owned) or where required by IBC and/or applicable NFPA codes.
    2. Omission of smoke detectors shall be approved by SI OSHEM.
    1. When fire protection systems are installed in facilities on SI occupied sites, they are to be compatible with and connected to (where available), the site wide fire alarm monitoring system.
    2. Fire alarm installations shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of NFPA 72, project specifications, and SI requirements.
    3. All new fire alarm systems shall be addressable unless otherwise permitted by OSHEM.
    4. See Section 283111, Addressable Fire Alarm System, for fire alarm specification criteria.
    1. Where multiple fire alarm control panels are provided they shall be interconnected in a Class A (Style 6 or 7) network arrangement.
    2. All fire alarm systems shall be monitored by a Smithsonian Institution Proprietary Supervising Station.
    3. All fire alarm circuits shall be installed in conduit (EMT, IMT, or rigid). The use of fire alarm MC cable may be permitted, subject to the approval of OSHEM.
    4. Signaling Line, notification appliance, and power circuits shall each be in separate conduit.
    5. Special fire alarm requirements are listed in Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Appendix A.
    1. Separate public address systems shall be provided for non-emergency communication where desired/needed. Fire alarm systems shall not be used to address the public in non-emergency situations.





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    1. The storage of collections and high-value items (including art, artifacts, rare books, archival materials, specimens stored in alcohol solution, live animal collections, and objects of historic value) shall be protected by passive and active fire protection measures. These measures include the following unless determined otherwise by OSHEM:
      1. Separate from other areas with minimum 2-hour fire-rated construction. Barriers shall also be constructed as smoke barriers. Higher fire ratings may be required depending on the materials stored and hazard presented, as determined by OSHEM.
      2. Collections stored in remote facilities or buildings may not require fire-rated construction, as physical separation from other facilities or areas may serve as acceptable protection, in lieu of passive features.
      3. The maximum size of any single collection storage space shall be 30,000 ft2 (2790 m2). Smaller spaces may be required, depending on the value of collection items stored.
      4. Store as much of the collection as possible inside non-combustible (metal) files or cabinets to provide an additional level of separation and protection between collections and collateral areas. Coordinate protection of these items with SI Security requirements.
      5. Protect with early warning smoke detection
      6. Minimize or eliminate ignition sources within the collection enclosure
      7. Protect with an automatic sprinkler system
      8. Protect with additional fire suppression systems, such as gaseous fire suppression or other approved active systems when deemed necessary
      9. Protect with compatible portable fire extinguishers
    2. Items of extreme value shall be stored in fire-resistive vaults, containers, or safes. Coordinate protection of these items with SI Security requirements.
    3. Fluid-based, flammable liquid collections (i.e. "wet collections") shall be stored in areas approved by OSHEM and in accordance with SI Safety Manual Chapter 38, "Fire Prevention" (Storage of Hazardous Materials section).
      1. Storage areas may include, but are not limited to flammable liquid warehouse areas, flammable liquid cut-off rooms, flammable liquid storage lockers, and approved flammable liquid cabinets.
    4. Wet collections storage spaces less than 500 square feet (46.5 sq m) shall comply with NFPA 30.
    5. Design of wet collections storage facilities greater than 500 square feet (46.5 sq m) shall be closely coordinated with SI OSHEM and shall incorporate some or all of the protection concepts outlined below.
      1. Building Construction:
        1. Separate buildings of Type I (4-hour) reinforced concrete construction. Building separation with a 4-hour MFL (Maximum Foreseeable Loss) wall. Exception: IBC requirements for fire separation distance may be followed and may reduce exterior wall fire resistance ratings subject to OSHEM approval.
        2. Subdivision of the building into compartments, with each compartment having two-hour walls.
        3. Floor-to-floor separation of 4-hours.
        4. Bulk alcohol storage rooms shall be constructed with 3-hour walls, a 3-hour ceiling, and explosion-venting panels along the exterior wall.
      2. Fire Protection Systems:
        1. Sprinkler system design density of 0.60 gpm/sq ft (24.5 Lpm/sq m ) over an area of 3,500 sq ft (325 sq m ) in wet collections areas.
        2. A Class I standpipe system shall be provided.
        3. Draft curtains shall sub-divide each compartment into smaller areas to aid in sprinkler response and to minimize the area of sprinkler activation.
        4. Provide High temperature quick-response sprinklers.
      3. Spill Containment:
        1. Trench drains shall be located to prevent potential alcohol spills from flowing into corridors or into adjacent compartments and to provide a drainage system for fire protection water. These shall be designed to prevent incidental spills of alcohol from entering the trench; however, if there is a sprinkler system discharge, the trench shall accumulate and discharge the water.
        2. The trench drains shall discharge to the exterior of the building, either to the storm system, sanitary system, or to grade. Discharge locations shall be approved by the municipal water/sanitary authority.
      4. Fire Alarm System:
        1. Voice evacuation fire alarm system.
        2. Fire alarm notification appliances will consist of speakers and strobe lights.
      5. Special Detection and Control Systems:
        1. Hydrocarbon gas detection systems shall be provided. Design basis for the gas detectors shall be based on manufacturer's recommended spacing.
        2. The hydrocarbon gas detection system shall be interlocked with the building fire alarm system and the HVAC system to initiate a supervisory alarm and to initiate a 100% purge sequence for the HVAC system serving the wet collections area.
        3. All light fixtures and other electrical equipment in the wet collections storage rooms shall be Class I, Division 2.
        4. Electrical receptacles are not permitted in the wet collections storage area.
      6. Means of Egress
        1. The wet collections storage areas shall be provided with two remote exit stairs.
        2. Within wet collections storage rooms, provide 2-hour separations between individual compartments and the center corridor provide avenues for horizontal exit to meet a travel distance limit of 75 feet (23 m).
    6. Collection/Artifacts that may present an explosion or self-ignition hazard (e.g., munitions, cellulose nitrate film) shall be stored in locations approved by OSHEM. Every attempt should be made to "safe" the collection or artifact prior to storage, in order to mitigate the potential hazard. The collection or artifact must be evaluated by OSHEM and the owner on a case-by-case basis, via risk-assessment, to determine the stability, general condition, and any adverse ramifications if the collection/artifact is exposed to fire or other unfavorable conditions. Storage areas for the collections may include, but are not limited to:
      1. Magazines (permanent, portable, and/or fire resistant);
      2. Fire-rated rooms;
      3. Areas with special provisions, such as explosion venting; or
      4. Remote buildings/facilities/areas that will not expose major facilities or other collections if the artifact/collection become unstable.
    7. Collection storage rooms shall be dedicated for such purpose. Object processing, packing, unpacking, crate and packaging storage, research performed on objects, conservation of objects, etc. shall not be conducted in collection storage rooms. Separate spaces shall be incorporated into the design for these purposes.
    8. Collections process areas or other rooms where collections will be inventoried, processed, restored, cleaned, etc. shall be protected with 1-hour fire-rated construction. Barriers shall also be constructed as smoke barriers. Higher fire ratings may be required depending on the materials in process and hazard present, as determined by OSHEM.
    9. Rack and Compact Shelf Storage
      1. Storage of combustibles within high storage racks shall comply with NFPA 13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, and/or Factory Mutual Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets.
      2. Aisles between storage racks (excluding compact storage units and library stacks) shall be a minimum of 36 inches (1 m) wide .
      3. Storage systems shall be designed with the intent of keeping stored materials at least 24 inches (610 mm) below sprinkler head deflectors. (Storage may exceed this height where OSHEM determines that the sprinkler system coverage is not adversely affected.)
      4. Material storage shall not exceed the capabilities of the fire sprinkler system available.
      5. A minimum 4 inch (100 mm) clear and unobstructed space shall be maintained in transverse and longitudinal flue spaces in storage racks. Larger spaces may be required based on the depth of shelves and the results of a fire hazard analysis. The method of achieving this required spacing shall be determined as part of the design, but can include bumpers on manually-operated shelf units or automatic fire-mode parking features for motorized shelf units.
      6. Sprinkler systems and shelving design protecting archives and collections stored in compact storage units (mobile shelving) shall meet the design objectives stated in NFPA 909 – Code for the Protection of Cultural Resources Properties, Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship. Designs that are based on successful full-scale fire tests may be utilized subject to OSHEM review and approval. The design FPE shall provide for OSHEM review a copy of the fire test report, along with a summary of the storage configuration and sprinkler system design basis criteria.
    1. In addition to compliance with NFPA 75, mission critical IT spaces, research laboratories, and other operations vital to the SI office's mission and research shall be protected by the following active and passive fire protection measures:
      1. 2-hour fire rated enclosures.
      2. Very early warning smoke detection.
      3. Clean agent fire suppression system or other approved active system.
      4. Clean agent, water mist, or CO2 portable fire extinguisher and one water extinguisher for class A fires.
      5. A sign shall be located adjacent to each fire extinguisher to plainly indicate the type of fire for which it is intended.
      6. Dry chemical fire extinguishers shall not be permitted.
    2. Combustible storage, such as paper stock, inks, and unused recording media within the computer room shall be restricted to the minimum necessary for efficient operations, and shall be stored in closed metal cabinets.
    3. LAN rooms and similar second tier IT spaces shall be enclosed with 1 hour fire rated construction, be protected with sprinklers and smoke detection, and kept free of combustible storage.
    4. Where trash receptacles are specified as part of the design only non-combustible containers shall be specified.
    1. Combustible materials (e.g., lumber, plastic, mounting boards, etc.) shall not be stockpiled in shop areas, but shall be stored in designated storage areas. These areas shall be separated from adjacent spaces by 1-hour fire-rated construction and protected with fire suppression systems designed specifically for the fuel load and storage configuration.
    2. Unsprinklered storage rooms and sprinklered storage rooms over 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq m) shall be enclosed with 1-hour rated fire barriers.
    3. Incidental Use areas shall be enclosed with rated barriers as required by applicable codes and standards. In each case the most restrictive requirement among the IBC, National Fire Codes, and this Design Manual shall be followed. Refer to Appendix B of this Design Manual for a summary of requirements for some of the more common spaces.
    1. If located inside or within 30 feet (10 m) of a building, trash dumpsters shall be placed within a 2-hour fire-rated room and protected with automatic sprinklers.
    1. High-rise buildings shall be defined in accordance with the International Building Code, except that SI buildings with an occupied floor located more than 70 feet (21.3 m) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be considered a high rise building.
    1. Design of laboratories shall be in accordance with the requirements of the IBC, NFPA 45 and this Design Manual.
    2. To the extent that the requirements of the IBC and NFPA 45 converge, both references shall be followed.
    3. All designs for laboratory spaces shall follow the lab unit approach as defined in NFPA 45. Where quantities of hazardous materials stored within lab units can be shown to also comply with the control area requirements of the IBC, both references shall apply.
    4. Where the quantities of hazardous materials and/or the number of lab units on a given level of a building exceed the limitations established in the IBC, the requirements of NFPA 45 shall govern the design.
    5. In all cases the sprinkler system requirements of NFPA 45 shall be followed for laboratories.
    6. Limitations on allowable quantities of corrosives, toxic chemicals, and other hazardous materials, not addressed by NFPA 45 shall comply with the requirements of the IBC.
    1. Atriums and other vertical openings shall be in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 101.
    1. The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids shall comply with Chapter 19, "Chemical Handling and Storage", of the SI Safety Manual, NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, and the following requirements:
      1. Flammable liquid storage areas shall be separated from other areas by barriers having a minimum 2-hour fire rating.
      2. In sprinklered flammable/combustible liquids storage areas, containment measures for the anticipated sprinkler system discharge shall be considered, in addition to the requirements of diking, remote impounding, and other containment measures, as per Chapter 38, "Fire Prevention", of the SI Safety Manual.
    1. Marine craft shall comply with United States Coast Guard regulations and NFPA 302 – Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft.
    2. All boats and docking areas shall be equipped with portable fire extinguishers. The number and type of extinguishers shall be as specified in NFPA 302.
    3. Smoke detectors shall be provided on boats having sleeping quarters.
    4. All inboard-powered boats with an enclosed engine compartment shall have a fire suppression system in the engine space.
    5. Water supply for fire protection in marinas, piers, and boatyards shall be provided in accordance with the latest editions of NFPA 13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 14 – Standard for the Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems, and NFPA 24 – Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances.
    6.     Standpipes shall be provided for piers or marine docks where the hose lay from the responding fire apparatus is in excess of 150 feet long per NFPA 303 – Fire Protection Standard for Marinas and Boatyards, or where deemed necessary by OSHEM.
    1. All Animal Housing Facilities shall comply with NFPA 150, Standard on Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities.
    2. A Fire Protection/ Life Safety Basis of Design narrative shall be prepared for each renovation and new construction project that affects animal housing facilities. This narrative shall describe how the fire and life safety systems comply with NFPA 150.
    3. Means of egress shall be designed to meet the special requirements of animals and/or equipment necessary for egress.
    4. All fire protection designs shall take into consideration the animals' ability to reach the equipment, potentially harming the animal or the animal damaging the equipment.
    5. All fire alarm systems shall take into account the need for a push-button that silences the fire alarm notification appliances in the animal areas only, but that activates a silent red beacon to indicate that the system is still in alarm.
    6. Smoke exhaust systems shall be performance-based and shall take into consideration toxicity levels, the temperature, the smoke layer height based on the animal breathing zone, and the risks of exposure to the animals during a fire condition.






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    1. The nature of Smithsonian Institution (SI)
      operations necessitates aggressive fire protection and life safety programs to provide for the protection of SI employees, visitors, facilities, property, artifacts and collections in all exhibit construction, improvement and alteration projects.
    1. This document sets forth the appropriate fire protection and safety requirements for organizations planning or engaging in exhibit construction, improvement and alteration projects.
    2. Because of the broad scope of concern, the Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (OSHEM) should be consulted in the earliest stages of planning, and development or design for all projects to ensure adequate consideration of all necessary requirements within the project time constraints.
    1. The Smithsonian Institution shall ensure that the established fire protection and life safety requirements outlined in the Smithsonian Safety Manual and this Design Manual are carried out in the planning and design of all exhibit construction, improvement, and alteration projects.
    1. The Office of Safety, Health and Environmental Management (OSHEM) Director is responsible for directing and implementing fire protection, life safety, and occupational safety and health functions. OSHEM will provide technical supervision, assistance, review, and approval during the design process.
    1. The fire and life safety requirements and standards are set forth in the SI Safety Manual and in Appendix A of this Design Manual.
    2. This includes codes and standards cited in this Design Manual including but not limited to:
      1. IBC (International Building Code)
      2. IFC (International Fire Code)
      3. NFPA 101 (Life Safety Code)
      4. OSHA Standards Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry
      5. OSHA Standards Part 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction






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INTRODUCTION: In addition to the requirements in this checklist, the requirements in the Fire Protection and Life Safety Design Manual shall also be followed.

  1. General Drawing Comments
    1. Key Plan
      1. Show location of the project area in relation to the building floor plan. The preferred method is to provide a small overview of the building floor plan with the project area shaded.
    2. Coordination of Drawings
      1. Coordinate all drawings so that all equipment and structural features are shown in the same position on each drawing.
    3. Plans
      1. Show new and existing wall, floor, and ceiling construction.
      2. Label the areas where work is to be accomplished and identify the occupancy of the areas in close proximity to the project site, i.e. gallery, office, corridor exit stair, collection storage, etc.
    4. Sections
      1. Sections should be properly presented to indicate location and viewing position.
    5. Show Existing Conditions
      1. Show all existing equipment such as: sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, heat detectors, pull stations, standpipes/hose cabinets, fire extinguishers, bells/horns/ speakers, strobe lights, remote indicator lights, exit signs, emergency lights, air supply and return ducts, fire-rated partitions, and fire doors; and label as existing.
      2. These devices and passive fire protection features are to be indicated on both the demolition and new work plans. If the equipment is not shown it will be assumed that it is not present and installation of such equipment will be added to the project requirements.
    6. Relocation of Equipment
      1. If an existing feature or device is to be relocated, clearly show old and new positions.
    7. Protection of Existing Equipment
      1. Include a note to provide protective covers for fire detection and suppression devices during construction and painting operations. The note should also instruct workmen to remove the protective covers at the end of each workday.
    8. Special Operations and Hazardous Materials
      1. Indicate in the drawing notes any special operations to be performed or hazardous materials to be used in the work area or nearby spaces. Examples include: electrical hazards, use of flammable or toxic materials, special cleaning operations, etc.
    9. Exhibited Objects
      1. Drawings must include adequate information about the objects on display to assess their impact on the level of fire protection and life safety. Plans are to include the dimensions, exact location and type of materials used to construct large objects not enclosed within vitrines.
  2. Exits
    1. Exit Details
      1. All public galleries shall have a minimum of two exits, arranged to be remote from one another. Ensure the clear width along all points on the primary egress path is a minimum of 5 feet (1524 mm), and along all secondary egress paths is 44 inches (1117 mm). In certain situations greater clear width may be required by NFPA 101 and OSHEM. Provide exit details such as location, paths of access/egress, door swing, and width of passageways and doors.
    2. Exit Signs
      1. Location
        1. Exits shall be properly identified by exit signs. Exit signs shall be listed or approved, readily visible and of a distinctive color which contrasts with the surrounding decor.
        2. No display, object or brightly-illuminated signs shall be placed in the line of vision to distract attention from the exit signs.
      2. Lettering
        1. Each exit sign shall have the word, "EXIT" in plain, legible letters not less than 6 inches (150mm) high, with the principal stroke of letters not less than 3/4 inches (19mm) wide.
        2. An arrow, indicating the direction of exit travel, shall be used when the direction is not readily apparent. Refer to NFPA 101 for other specific requirements.
      3. Illumination
        1. Exit signs shall be illuminated by either an integral light source or an external light source measuring not less than 5 foot-candles (54 lux).
        2. Radio-luminous signs shall be in accordance with ANSI/UL 924 and shall have a minimum luminance of not less than 5 foot-candles (54 lux).
      4. Power Supply
        1. The power shall be supplied by continuous power source with secondary power from an emergency generator or integral battery.
    3. Stairs and Steps
      1. Fewer Than Three Risers
        1. When fewer than three risers are used, measures shall be taken to create awareness of the elevation change. Examples include the following: special lighting, color contrast, change in floor surface, or barriers.
      2. Width and Height Requirements
        1. Minimum width of stairs and steps shall be 44 inches (112 cm) and clear of all obstructions except handrails. Stair and landings shall not decrease in width along the direction of exit travel.
        2. Treads shall not be less than 11 inches (27.9 cm).
        3. Risers shall not be less than 4 inches (10.2 cm) nor more than 7 inches (17.8 cm).
        4. Variations in width of tread and height of risers shall not exceed 3/16 inch (.5 cm).
      3. Landings
        1. Doors may not open immediately onto stairs without a landing of at least the width of the door, plus one tread dimension.
      4. Headroom
        1. Minimum headroom shall be 6 feet 8 inches (203 cm) at doors or stairwells
      5. Handrail Details
        1. Stairs and ramps shall have handrails 34 to 38 inches (86 to 96 cm) high measured from the leading edge of the tread to the top of the rail.
        2. Additional handrails that are lower or higher than the main rail are permitted. For areas where children are the primary users it is recommended that an intermediate handrail be installed.
        3. Handrails shall be installed to provide a clearance of at least 2-1/4 inches (56 mm) from the wall to which it is attached.
        4. Handrails shall offer no obstruction to a smooth handhold surface along the top and both sides of the rail.
        5. Handrails shall have a circular cross section with an outside diameter of at least 1-1/4 inches (3.2 cm) and not greater than 2 inches (5 cm).
        6. Handrails shall extend at least 12 inches (30.5 cm) beyond the top and bottom step.
        7. Ends of handrails shall be turned into the supporting wall, floor or shall terminate at newel posts.
      6. Guard Rails
        1. Guard rails shall be provided at floor openings, open-sided floors, platforms (30 inches (76 cm) or more above the floor or ground level), ramps, etc. shall be guarded on all open sides by railings except when there is an entrance to a ramp or stairway.
        2. Guard rails shall have a vertical height of 42 inches (107 cm) measured from the upper surface of the top rail to the floor, platform, or runway.
        3. Guard rails shall be capable of withstanding a load of at least 200 pounds (90.7 kg) applied in any direction at any point at the top of the rail.
      7. Platforms
        1. Platforms protruding into walk spaces present a "strike the ankle" type hazard. Special lighting, color contrast and padding or 18-inch (45.7 cm) barriers are recommended.
  3. Fire-Rated Construction
    1. Penetrations Through Fire-Rated Construction
      1. Penetrations other than fire damper or combination fire/smoke damper through fire-rated construction (i.e. walls, floors, etc.), shall be sealed with an approved penetration firestop material that maintains the fire rating.
    2. Fire Doors
      1. Show the hourly rating of new and existing fire doors and frames. Provide details of new fire door assemblies which show the area of any glass and construction material.
  4. Materials of Construction
    1. General
      1. Extreme care must be exercised in the selection of interior finish materials. Some veneers and synthetic J wall, ceiling and floor coverings are dangerously combustible. Flames spread rapidly over them, generating large amounts of smoke and toxic products of combustion. The danger of damage to collections and to the lives of visitors and staff from improperly selected interior finish materials cannot be overemphasized.
      2. All materials of construction shall be noncombustible or inherently fire retardant. These requirements typically do not apply to artifacts/collections to be exhibited, unless the object presents an appreciable fire risk as evaluated by OSHEM.
    2. Testing
      1. Testing laboratories, such as Underwriters Laboratories, test and rate the performance of interior finish materials in fire tests designed to show how much fuel a material contributes to a fire, how quickly flame spreads over its surface, and how much smoke it generates.
      2. The results of the ASTM E-84 and ASTM E-648 tests are given as numerical ratings. For ASTM E-84, the lower the flame spread the better its performance in the test. For ASTM E-648 the higher the critical radiant flux the better its performance in the test.
    3. Wall and Ceiling Materials
      1. Wall and ceiling materials that are used in exhibit spaces or the means of egress; such as paneling or acoustical tiles; shall have a flame spread rating of 25 or less, and a smoke developed index of 450 or less, as measured in accordance with ASTM E-84, Surface Burning Characteristic of Building Materials.
      2. For exhibit spaces protected by an automatic sprinkler system, these materials shall have a flame spread rating of 75 or less.
      3. Tests to determine flame spread shall have been performed by a certified testing laboratory.
      4. Wall mounted materials which have a surface area exceeding 10% of the wall area, and single pieces over 100 sq ft (9.3 sq m) shall comply with the above requirements for wall and ceiling materials.
    4. Wood
      1. Wood used for walls, platforms, dioramas, blocking, furring, cases over 100 cubic feet (2.8 cubic m), light attics with electric lighting, and similar applications shall be fire retardant, pressure impregnated. Fire retardant coatings of intumescent paint are not acceptable in lieu of fire retardant treatment unless specifically approved by OSHEM Fire Protection Division. This requirement does not apply to cabinets, showcases or finish trim.
    5. Carpeting
      1. Carpeting materials shall have a minimum critical radiant flux of 0.45 watts/ cm², when tested in accordance with ASTM E-648, Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source.
      2. Carpeting shall also pass the Methanamine Pill Test, Federal Flammability Standard FF-1-70.
      3. For installations specifying carpeting on walls the following criteria shall be used:
        1. The room shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler system.
        2. Materials shall have a Class A rating (flame spread 25 or less and smoke development factor less than 450), as measured by ASTM E-84.
    6. Draperies, Bunting or Decorative Textiles
      1. All material intended for decorative purposes, such as draperies, scrim or bunting, shall be certified flame resistant in accordance with the criteria contained in the current edition of NFPA 701, Standard for Methods of Fire Tests of Flame- Resistant Textiles and Films. Samples and fire test data shall be submitted to OSHEM for evaluation and approval.
    7. Plastics, Exposed foamed plastics, materials containing foamed plastics
      1. Plastics, exposed foamed plastics, and materials containing foamed plastics are prohibited from being used in the exhibit unless the specific criteria in the Life Safety Code and the IBC for Interior Finish and Furnishings, Decorations, and Scenery have been met.
      2. Samples and fire test data shall be submitted to OSHEM for evaluation and approval.
      3. Vitrines materials shall not be more than 100 sq ft (9.3 sq m) exposed surface area or shall be in compliance with the interior finish requirements for walls and ceiling materials.
    8. Glass
      1. Glass used in vitrines or displays that exceeds 48 inches (1219 mm) in any dimension shall be safety glass.
  5. Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
    1. Where Detection and Fire Alarm Equipment is Required.
      1. Fire detectors shall be installed in all areas (unless otherwise approved by OSHEM) and shall meet the requirements of current edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code and the manufacturer's design specifications.
      2. When a gallery is closed to install a new exhibit, opportunity is provided to upgrade or install new detection and alarm systems with minimal disruption if systems do not already exist.
    2. Manual Fire Alarm Stations
      1. Manual fire alarm stations shall not be obstructed and shall remain accessible at all times.
    3. Placement of Bells, Horns, and Speakers
      1. Audible devices shall be placed so that they can be heard above the maximum noise level that normally occurs in the building.
    4. Placement of wall and ceiling mounted strobes.
      1. Visual devices (strobes) shall be installed per NFPA 72, and not obstructed from view by exhibit construction.
    5. Show Existing Conditions
      1. Indicate make and model number, and type of existing equipment (See A5 above). Ensure devices will not be obstructed by new work.
    6. Relocation or Extension of Existing Equipment (See A6 above)
      1. Determine final location of walls, barriers and ceilings before placing detection and alarm equipment. New equipment shall be compatible with the existing system.
    7. Smoke, heat, and other detectors shall not be field painted.
  6. Automatic Sprinkler Systems
    1. Provide automatic sprinklers in all areas unless an exception is allowed by OSHEM.
    2. When a gallery is closed to install a new exhibit, opportunity is provided to extend or install new automatic sprinkler systems with minimal disruption if systems do not already exist.
    3. Show Existing Conditions
      1. Show locations of automatic sprinkler heads (See A5 Above), their height above the floor (if it varies) and their type - pendent, upright, or sidewall.
    4. Relocation of Extension of Existing Equipment (See A6 Above)
      1. Determine final location of walls, barriers and ceilings before considering changes to the sprinkler system.
      2. If existing equipment must be extended or relocated, provide a layout showing location and size of existing and proposed piping.
      3. Sprinkler system additions and modifications shall be per the latest edition of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation, Maintenance and Use of Automatic Sprinkler Systems and designed for Ordinary Hazard Group II Occupancies.
      4. Pipe sizes shall be determined by hydraulic calculation.
    5. Sprinkler heads and concealed sprinkler plates shall not be field painted. Any sprinkler heads or plates coated with paint in the field shall be replaced.
  7. Emergency Lighting
    1. Location
      1. Emergency lighting for exhibits, shall be provided for all locations including means of egress paths, corridors, stairs, and public and staff areas.
    2. Power
      1. The power shall be supplied by a continuous fixed wiring power source with secondary power from either an emergency generator or battery pack.
    3. Illumination
      1. Lights shall be located to provide an average level of illumination of 1 foot-candle (10 lux), measured at the floor.
    4. Testing
      1. Emergency lighting shall be tested prior to the opening of each new exhibit.
  8. Portable Fire Extinguishers
    1. Where Portable Fire Extinguishers are required, each facility shall provide portable fire extinguishers for building protection and other hazards being protected.
    2. Water-mist extinguishers shall be provided in all exhibit halls.
    3. The minimum classification of extinguishers that are required for building protection is 2A-10BC.
    4. The maximum travel distance to an extinguisher is 75 feet (22.86 m).
    5. Extinguishers may be mounted on hangers or brackets, on shelves, or in cabinets. Extinguishers shall be mounted so that the top is no more than 5 feet (152.4 cm) above the floor and the bottom is at least 4 inches (10.2 cm) from the floor.
    6. Cabinets may be recessed to minimize the aesthetic impact and the door may be opaque, In this case, the cabinet shall be labeled, "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" with minimum 3/4-inch (1.91 cm) letters. At no time shall fire extinguisher cabinets be locked. Break-glass type cabinets are not permitted.
    7. Extinguisher cabinets recessed in fire rated walls are to be listed for such purpose.
    8. Extinguishers shall be readily accessible and not hidden from view.


  1. Electrical Requirements
    1. All new or altered electrical work shall be performed by qualified electricians and shall comply with the current edition of the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code as well as existing local electrical codes when specified.
    2. All wiring shall be installed in rigid conduit, EMT or flexible conduit. Aluminum conduit shall not be imbedded in concrete.
    3. Fixed wiring methods shall be metal raceways, nonmetallic raceways encased in not less than two inches of concrete, mineral insulated metal-sheathed cable or Type MC cable. Type AC cable (commercial EX) shall not be permitted.
    4. All new receptacles, switches and equipment shall be U.L. listed or equivalent. Where equivalent items are specified, pertinent features must be listed in the technical specifications and identified in the Specia1 Conditions of the Contract.
    5. The number and placement of receptacles shall be adequate to support the required electrical loads.
  2. Audio Visua1 Areas
    1. Open Audio/Visual Areas
      1. All shelves shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
      2. Clearance to any combustible materia1s shall be at least one foot horizontally, and two feet (61 cm) vertically.
    2. Enclosed Audio Visual Equipment
      1. All shelves shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
      2. A total power cut-off switch shall be provided on the exterior of the enclosure and located six feet (1829 mm) above the floor.
      3. Smoke Detection
        1. Each projection enclosure shall be provided with a smoke detector. The unit shall be designed to disconnect power to the enclosure and sound an alarm at the fire alarm control panel.
        2. This requirement may be waived by OSHEM depending on the projection equipment and size of the enclosure.
      4. Noncombustible Materials
        1. Enclosures shall be constructed of fire resistant materials subject to the approval of OSHEM.
      5. Ventilation
        1. All enclosures housing projection equipment shall be ventilated mechanically to remove excess heat, unless the design proves that mechanical ventilation is not required.
      6. Rooms housing Audio Visual equipment shall comply with the following requirements:
        1. Rooms shall be constructed with 1 hour fire rated construction with 45 minute opening protectives.
        2. Rooms shall be provided with Smoke detectors. Detectors shall be supplemented with a remote indicator light above the main entrance/exit door to the room or be displayed/annunciated on the fire alarm panel as to the exact room location in the building.
        3. Upon general fire alarm evacuation, all Audio Visual equipment in the exhibit shall be designed to cease operation or display an emergency message.
  3. Installation of Exhibits
    1. Dust Barriers
      1. Dust barriers shall be constructed of non-combustible or fire retardant materials that are classified as Class A or B per ASTM E-84, or shall pass NFPA 701, as applicable.
    2. Access to Equipment
      1. Do not obstruct or interfere with fire protection equipment.
    3. Exits shall be unobstructed and adequate in number and size for quick evacuation. Consideration shall be given to the orderly circulation of visitors and avoiding cul-de-sacs.
  4. Final Acceptance and Approval
    1. Upon completion of each project, but prior to beneficial occupancy, COTR or person responsible for the exhibit construction shall contact OSHEM to conduct a final occupancy inspection/walkthrough of the space, noting any deficiencies or problems.
    2. Prior to occupancy an emergency lighting test must be conducted to verify it is operating in compliance with the requirements of the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and NFPA 110.
    3. As OSHEM determines that the project appears satisfactory, they would note the status, in writing, to the COTR or responsible party.
    4. Once all inspections have been conducted, the project would be deemed complete and the space ready for occupancy.





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Minimum Fire Barrier Requirements (1)

Incinerator rooms and trash storage rooms  

2-hour (2)

Paint shops  


Laundry rooms over 100 sq ft  


Incidental storage rooms over 100 sq ft


Collections storage rooms

2-hour rated fire/smoke barriers

Wet collections spaces < 500 sq ft

Per NFPA 30

Wet collections space ≥ 500 sq ft


Bulk alcohol storage for wet collections


Stationary lead-acid battery systems having a liquid capacity of more than 50 gallons used for facility standby power, emergency-power or uninterrupted power

1-hour in Group B, F, M, S and U occupancies.


2-hour in Group A, E, I and R occupancies

Electric closets  


Mechanical rooms  


Electrical switchgear and/or transformer rooms and generator rooms  

1-hour or 2-hour depending upon size

3-hour for transformer vaults

Telephone/ communication closets  


IT spaces/closets (non-mission critical)


IT spaces (mission critical)


Maintenance shops  


Loading Docks  

2-hour (over 100 sq ft used for movement of combustible materials)  

Main Kitchen  


Fire Pump Room  


Refrigerant machinery rooms





  1. This table is not intended to be comprehensive. The Design Engineer/Architect is required to confirm these ratings and other special requirements based on the applicable codes and standards.
  2. The requirements listed here are for fire resistance ratings. Automatic sprinklers or other type of fire suppression system will be required in accordance with Chapters 5 and 7 of this Design Manual..









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